
Recently, my son has been experiencing a dry cough, which is more noticeable when he encounters unpleasant odors. This situation has been ongoing for over a month, and his overall condition is still normal. What could be the cause of this? How should we deal with it?


Baby’s dry cough can be caused by various factors, including tonsillitis, eating too quickly, abnormal digestion, or a functional defect in the lower esophageal sphincter. After observing the baby’s mood, milk intake, complementary feeding, and stool condition, if there are no abnormalities in these aspects, there is no need to worry excessively. Here are some points to note in daily care:

  1. Provide the baby with warm water.
  2. Choose light and easy-to-digest complementary foods.
  3. Ensure that the nipple is filled with milk when feeding to avoid the baby from inhaling too much air.
  4. Feed in small, frequent meals.
  5. Reduce the baby’s exposure to cold and hot stimuli. By improving feeding methods through these methods, the baby’s dry cough should improve.