
A 3-month-old baby who is currently only breastfed. In the hot summer, is it necessary to supplement the baby’s hydration, such as by drinking watermelon or vegetable juice? Additionally, can drinking cold fruit juice harm the baby’s stomach?


For babies under 6 months old, breast milk already provides the necessary water and nutrition. At this stage, it is not recommended to give babies juice or vegetable juice. If parents choose to introduce these beverages after 6 months, they should be fed using a large cup or small cup during meals, avoiding the use of bottles or feeding before bedtime. Juice and vegetable juice should be diluted with at least 10 times of cooled water, and the daily intake should not exceed 120 milliliters. Sweet purees and drinks are not suitable for babies and young children, as high sugar content may lead to tooth decay and lack nutritional value. Breast milk, formula milk, or water should be provided until the baby is 1 year old.