
A 9-month-old girl has been suffering from diarrhea for two weeks. After hospital examination, no abnormalities were found in the stool. The baby’s appetite, mood, and sleep are normal, but she has loose stools after eating milk.


During the baby’s diarrhea, it is recommended to reduce the amount of milk. If feeding is necessary, the milk should be diluted and sugar-containing foods should be avoided to prevent exacerbation of diarrhea and abdominal bloating. Consider adding a small amount of salt or vegetable soup (avoiding animal oil) to porridge. Diarrhea treatment should combine medication and dietary adjustments. Since the baby has 3-4 bowel movements a day, with little stool, and maintains good mental state and appetite, the possibility of infectious diarrhea is ruled out, and the condition is not severe. If there have been changes in diet recently, it may be that the baby temporarily cannot adapt to new food, leading to diarrhea. When introducing complementary foods, it should be done gradually.