
My child has been experiencing a fever and received a blood test, which shows a white blood cell count of 11.03, with a reference range of 4.0-10.00. Is this white blood cell count problematic?


The normal reference range for white blood cells in children is typically (5-12)×10^9/L. Based on the information you provided, your child’s white blood cell count is slightly higher than the upper limit of the reference range but still within the normal range. Pathological increases in white blood cells may be associated with acute suppurative infections, uremia, leukemia, tissue damage, acute hemorrhage, and other conditions. On the other hand, pathological decreases in white blood cells may occur in conditions such as aplastic anemia, certain infectious diseases, liver cirrhosis, hypersplenism, and radiation/chemotherapy. Rest assured, your child’s health condition may not be of great concern, but it is advisable to continue monitoring and maintaining communication with the doctor. White blood cell counts in children increase with age and gradually approach adult standards after the age of 7.