
A four-year-old boy was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease and has been hospitalized for one week before being discharged. At the time of discharge, his platelet count was 340×10^9/L, his white blood cell count was slightly elevated, and his erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 41 in the first hour and 76 in the second hour. The results of the cardiac ultrasound and other tests were normal. What is the recommended interval for cardiac ultrasound follow-up? How often should the erythrocyte sedimentation rate be followed up?


The frequency of follow-up for Kawasaki disease primarily depends on the child’s clinical presentation. If the child still has clinical symptoms, it is recommended to have a follow-up every week; if the clinical symptoms are mild, a follow-up can be scheduled every two weeks. Treatment for Kawasaki disease should be initiated as soon as possible, with the goal of reducing fever and inflammation, preventing heart damage, and reducing the risk of complications. The average duration of Kawasaki disease is about 12 days, and among children who have not been treated, 15% to 25% may develop coronary artery aneurysms, which require treatment by pediatric cardiologists.