
A six-month-old baby has been frequently passing green stools recently. The parents have tried giving the child Simeticon medication and Baby One-Touch ointment externally, but there has been no improvement. Doctor, is this situation normal?


Infants’ digestive systems are not fully mature and have weaker adaptability, so conditions like dyspepsia (which may be caused by irregular diet, improper nutrition combination, sudden change in food types, or excessive nutrition), hunger, catching a cold, or being startled can all lead to green stools. Generally speaking, as long as the diet is adjusted properly, there is no need to worry excessively. If parents cannot determine the specific cause, they should take the child to a doctor for a stool examination. If there is an infection, active treatment is required. If the examination results are normal, it may be due to the child’s dyspepsia or abdominal cold.