
My sister just had a baby a couple of days ago, and you’ll notice that the baby’s skin has a peculiar yellow tint, and it’s said that he might have been infected by bacteria. Can bacterial infection cause neonatal jaundice?


Generally speaking, newborns will have slightly yellow skin two days after birth, and the jaundice will reach its peak between three to five days, disappearing within seven to ten days. There’s no need to worry too much; you can take the child to the hospital for phototherapy, while also encouraging them to drink plenty of cool boiled water and get appropriate sun exposure, but avoid direct sunlight into the eyes. It’s important to note that bacterial infection usually does not directly cause neonatal jaundice; the cause of jaundice may be due to the immature metabolism of red blood cells and underdeveloped liver function. If you are concerned about your baby’s jaundice, it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional advice.