
An eight-month-old baby is unable to sit, stand, or crawl and prefers to lie on its stomach and look up. The baby’s stools are non-solid, showing little interest in food other than breast milk, and the supply of breast milk is insufficient. The baby weighed 8 jin 4 liang at birth and is now only 16.4 jin. Parents are worried if this situation indicates abnormal baby development.


Based on the description, a typical eight-month-old baby should be able to attempt crawling, sitting, or standing and jumping. If a baby shows signs of developmental delay, it is recommended that parents take the child to a pediatrician for a growth assessment to determine the specific diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan. At the same time, it is important to timely supplement calcium, iron, zinc, and other trace elements for the baby, as these are crucial for promoting the baby’s growth and development.