
A 15-month-old infant has been suffering from persistent diarrhea symptoms for three months, with varying stool consistency from watery, curd-like to paste-like, and colors ranging from green to yellow, without a distinct odor. Routine stool tests and bacterial culture results have been normal, with no detection of parasites or rotavirus. The infant has a good appetite and has not shown any signs of significant dehydration.


Diarrhea with no or only a few white blood cells in the stool is usually caused by non-invasive causes (such as viruses), presenting as watery diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by dehydration symptoms. Treatment principles include: continuing to provide a nutritious diet, reasonably adjusting to maintain nutrition; quickly correcting water and electrolyte imbalances; controlling intestinal and extraintestinal infections; symptomatic treatment, enhancing care to prevent complications; and avoiding excessive use of antibiotics. It is recommended to differentiate from physiological diarrhea, which is more common.