
A five-month-old baby who has been drinking formula milk regularly has recently been observed by the parents to have urine that has turned a deep yellow color. The parents want to know if this situation is normal and if there is anything to be concerned about.


Based on the description, the baby’s urine appears dark yellow after long-term consumption of formula milk, which may indicate that there is heat toxin in the baby’s body that has not been expelled. It is recommended to increase the baby’s fluid intake, including plain sugar water, physiological saline, as well as fruit and vegetable juices, to promote urination and help toxins be excreted with urine. When the urine color lightens, it indicates that the situation has improved. If not addressed promptly, it may lead to the baby being restless and having poor sleep, which in turn can affect their normal growth and development. Breastfeeding babies usually do not experience this issue. If the parents still have doubts, it is advisable to take the baby for a professional examination.