
My niece was born not too long ago, but she is unstable in her mood and has poor sleep. She often has a fever and convulsions, and I want to give her some medicine. Can newborns take Weichong San?


Weichong San is a commonly used medicine for little babies, and some children can take it. Generally speaking, its specific functions include clearing heat, expelling wind, calming and expectorating. It is used for newborns with internal heat caused by fetal fire, characterized by easy restlessness during sleep, crying anxiety, feverishness with red face, cough with phlegm, constipation, and convulsions. It is important to use it in accordance with the specifications. Weichong San for infants mainly treats clearing heat, expelling wind, calming and expectorating, which is used for newborns with internal heat caused by fetal fire, including restlessness during sleep, crying anxiety, feverishness with red face, cough with phlegm, constipation, and convulsions.