
A seven-year-old child recently developed persistent cough, accompanied by fever, asthma, palpitations, and symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and recurrent attacks of cough. After treatment at several hospitals, the results were unsatisfactory, and some doctors diagnosed it as pediatric asthma. What treatment methods are available for this condition?


Bronchial asthma is a reactive or allergic disease, and its treatment methods mainly include environmental control, medication treatment, and desensitization therapy. Environmental control involves keeping away from allergens, but in daily life, many allergens are difficult to completely avoid. Medication treatment can effectively alleviate allergic symptoms, but relying solely on antiallergic drugs may be difficult to achieve ideal results when exposure to allergens cannot be avoided. Desensitization therapy is a long-term treatment method that gradually increases exposure to allergens to…