
My daughter is 1 year old, and recently, she has been saying that her ears are itchy and painful. This morning, the earwax is a bit thick and yellow, and her ears are buzzing. She also has a slight fever. How should I treat her otitis media with yellow earwax?


The treatment should be based on the child’s symptoms and includesymptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. Parents can administer topical antibiotic ear drops for regional treatment. If the ear pain is severe, some painkillers can be given appropriately. Some children may also have a fever, in which case oral fever-reducing medication can be given. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, it is necessary to seek medical attention. If the child has a perforated eardrum, it is recommended to go to the hospital for surgical treatment as soon as possible. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child gets adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light and easy-to-digest foods. It is also important to ensure the child gets plenty of rest and avoids fatigue.