
An eight-month-old male infant developed a fever four days after receiving the measles vaccine, which lasted for three days before subsiding. A rash appeared within a day, and it is now on the fourth day with no improvement in symptoms. A blood test today revealed a white blood cell count of 3.7 and a neutrophil absolute count of 1.4. What could be the cause of these symptoms, and how should they be analyzed and addressed?


This situation could be pediatric roseola, which usually does not require excessive concern as symptoms tend to resolve naturally. A decrease in white blood cell count is often associated with viral infections. Low white blood cell count can be caused by various factors, including recent infections, frequent exposure to harmful substances such as paint or construction materials, as well as new furniture. Additionally, certain medications like chemotherapy drugs or those used to treat hyperthyroidism may also lead to low white blood cell counts. Blood system diseases can also be a possible cause. It is recommended to conduct further checks based on specific situations to clearly identify the cause and proceed accordingly.