
How severe is neonatal hemolytic disease?


Neonatal hemolytic disease refers to a condition where the mother’s blood type incompatibility leads to the production of blood type antibodies that are incompatible with the baby’s blood type antigens within her body. These antibodies cross the placenta into the fetus, causing a hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to alloimmunity. The most common causes of HDN are incompatibilities in the Rh blood group system and the ABO blood group system. Other causes of hemolysis during neonatal period include defects in red cell enzymes or red cell membranes, which have specific names. Only hemolysis caused by blood type incompatibility is called neonatal hemolytic disease. Neonatal hemolytic disease can lead to hemolytic jaundice and anemia, and treatment includes phototherapy, albumin use, and blood transfusion, which are all effective. There’s no need to worry too much.