
Jaundice in newborns is a common occurrence, but parents are often confused about how to handle it and whether sunlight bathing is effective. How should neonatal jaundice be addressed, and is sunlight bathing an appropriate treatment method?


Neonatal jaundice is a common condition that typically requires medical examination to determine if the bilirubin level is normal and to assess blood routine status. It is recommended to undergo treatment under the guidance of a doctor until the bilirubin level returns to normal, to avoid the risk of kernicterus. When considering sunlight bathing as a treatment method, it should be approached with caution and done under the advice of a medical professional. In cases of severe neonatal jaundice, immediate medical attention should be sought and treatment recommendations followed according to the doctor’s advice. The above information is for reference only, and specific treatment plans should be formulated by the doctor based on the baby’s actual condition.