
I’ve noticed that my child is very active and mischievous, talking non-stop as if they’ve opened a treasure chest. Online sources suggest that this could be a sign of ADHD. How can you determine if a child has ADHD?


ADHD in children is a condition characterized by behaviors such as squinting, blinking eyes, shaking heads, shrugging shoulders, flicking hands, nodding heads, kicking legs, wriggling bodies, and unintentionally uttering profanities. Severe cases may also involve making unusual sounds like “hm,” “ah,” or “cough” involuntarily. In the past, due to a lack of understanding of the disease, some parents thought their children were possessed and resorted to various methods to “exorcise” them, but to no avail. If you suspect your child has ADHD, it is crucial to undergo scientific and authoritative detailed examinations. Facing the hazards of ADHD, we should actively implement detailed examinations and treatments without hesitation. If ADHD persists despite treatment, it’s important to promptly change the treatment plan.