My newborn has a yellowish tint, it’s my first child and I’m not sure what to do. I’ve heard that newborns are supposed to have jaundice. Is this situation normal? If the baby does have jaundice, what should I do if the newborn jaundice persists?
Normal newborn jaundice typically appears two to three days after birth, reaches its peak severity between five to seven days, and full-term infants usually see it naturally fading within ten to fourteen days. According to guidelines, the jaundice level in newborns should not exceed 12. Severe cases may require hospitalization to avoid potential interference with intellectual development due to high levels of jaundice. If the degree of jaundice is not severe, blue light therapy can be attempted without hospitalization. In addition to treating newborn jaundice, it is recommended that patients pay attention to their diet and maintain a positive mood in daily life to promote recovery speed.