I have discovered that my child exhibits symptoms such as backward tilting of the head, arms pulling back, and delayed response to sounds. A CT scan has confirmed the diagnosis of posterior brain development deficiency. The child is currently undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy and brain nutrient infusion. Is this treatment method effective? Are there better treatment options? What nursing measures can be taken at home?
Brain development deficiency is closely related to a child’s intellectual development, and the intellectual development of such children is usually slower, with intelligence test results often falling below moderate intelligence. Along with intellectual development delays, there are also significant delays in abilities related to intelligence, such as hearing, comprehension, and language skills. If a child does not respond promptly to sounds or is slow in responding to external information, or has language difficulties, these are all symptoms of brain development deficiency. Additionally, physical development may also be affected, with the height and weight of children with brain development deficiency often being impacted.