
My child is 8 years old and has just started primary school. He says his throat is sore, and swallowing seems to be difficult. He also has a persistent high fever. What should I pay attention to in terms of diet when my child has tonsillitis and is constantly crying and fussing?


Tonsillitis is a common illness. In addition to seeking timely medical treatment, it’s also important to pay attention to the child’s daily diet. It’s recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, as they are not only light and easy to digest but also rich in vitamins and trace elements, which help boost immunity. Suitable vegetable choices include green leafy vegetables and tomatoes, while fruits can include pears, watermelons, tangerines, and pomegranates. Also, ensure that the child’s food is easy to digest, such as congee or noodles. Moreover, avoid spicy and stimulating foods and allergenic triggers. Helping the child develop good eating habits, avoiding picky eating and anorexia, and ensuring the absorption of balanced nutrition is also very important.