
My daughter, who is 8 years old, exhibits the following symptoms. Could you help diagnose if she might have ADHD: inattentiveness, hyperactivity, difficulty falling asleep, poor memory, picky eating (prefers leafy vegetables, tofu, and lean pork, dislikes poultry meat and fish), prone to catching colds and hard to treat, so she wears more clothes. What should I do?


Hello! Based on the description, your daughter’s condition may be ADHD, but it could also be due to sensory integration disorder. ADHD is a disease that affects individuals with normal or nearly normal intelligence and is caused by various factors. Due to slight impairment in brain function, it leads to excessive activity that does not correspond to the level of intelligence. This condition arises because of damaged nervous systems, where perception cannot filter incoming stimuli properly, leading to excessive hyperactive behavior. It is recommended that you consult a professional doctor for a diagnosis and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.