
A six-year-old boy recently reported that he cannot clearly recognize the words on the blackboard at the back of the classroom. After a preliminary examination by an optical shop, he was diagnosed with myopia with astigmatism and was advised to undergo a mydriasis refraction test at a hospital. The parents are seeking professional advice on how to handle this situation.


Myopia and astigmatism both fall under the category of refractive errors. Timely correction is particularly important for young children and adolescents. For children under seven years old, mild myopia is usually considered a physiological phenomenon and does not require glasses; however, if the degree of myopia is high, vision declines, or there are symptoms such as strabismus, then corrective glasses should be considered. For students between seven to sixteen years old, even if the degree of myopia is low, if there are symptoms such as eye fatigue, declining vision, or strabismus, correction should be carried out. It is recommended that parents take their children to a hospital for professional treatment as soon as possible to ensure healthy vision.