
A child has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis and after three months of eye drops treatment, the symptoms have not improved and there is frequent recurrence. What are some effective treatment methods?


Conjunctivitis, commonly known as “red eye” or “epidemic red eye,” is an acute infectious conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses. This condition is highly contagious and often spreads in families or collective units, particularly prevalent during spring and summer. Modern medicine believes that the pathogens are bacteria or viruses, which are usually transmitted through secretions such as handkerchiefs, towels, and face towels. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this disease as “wind-heat eye” or “heavenly red eye,” believing that it is caused by wind-heat toxins accumulating in the eyes, damaging the white of the eye, leading to red and swollen conjunctiva, or due to excessive fire in the liver meridian, the liver opening at the eyes, with fire ascending, causing red and swollen eyes. Common symptoms include conjunctival congestion, red eyes, swollen eyelids, tears, photophobia, and difficulty opening the eyes.