
Dear doctor, my daughter is one month old, and although her weight has not increased, she is in good spirits. About a week and a half ago, her stool frequency began to increase, with about five to six bowel movements a day, ranging from yellow to golden yellow, grainy, and slightly loose. The hospital test results indicate that the breast milk has a high fat content. What could be the cause?


If she is breastfed, you should continue breastfeeding as usual; there is generally no need to change the feeding method or reduce the amount and frequency of the breast milk. Most cases can naturally return to normal. If she is on mixed or formula feeding, you should continue feeding but can adjust the diet structure appropriately. For those who are formula-fed, you can add a little more water when preparing the formula to make it slightly thinner. For those who are drinking less milk, you can give some sugar and salt water or reduce the amount of each feeding while increasing the frequency of feedings. If the stool does not return to normal within 2-3 days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.