
Newborns to three-month-old infants mainly rely on breast milk and formula milk. However, this baby has never had a full 16-hour sleep day, needing to be held to fall asleep during the day and frequently waking up at night. Is this insufficient sleep causing gastrointestinal discomfort, and how can gastrointestinal function be strengthened?


In this situation, the baby’s sleep pattern may have formed poor habits. If the baby cannot establish a regular eating habit, with irregular meal times and inconsistent portions, it will lead to disordered digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, distractions while eating, lack of concentration, and a lack of interest in eating are common causes. The intake of snacks, especially sweet foods before meals, can affect gastric motility and secretion, thereby affecting appetite. Forcing the baby to eat may cause fear of food, making it difficult to develop an interest in it. Therefore, it is important to cultivate regular and quantitative eating habits for the baby, pay attention to the color, smell, taste, and shape of the food, create a quiet and pleasant eating environment, and avoid or reduce the intake of snacks.