
My baby has been frequently farting with stool since she was 2 months old, and her stools are very loose, resembling water. She has been breastfed, and now that she’s almost 5 months old, her stools have improved since adding solid food last week. However, she still farts with stool, and sometimes even a little stool comes out when she urinates. How should I take care of her?


Babies have varying numbers and properties of bowel movements due to differences in age, diet, and defecation habits. For breastfed babies, normal stools should be yellow or golden yellow, thick and creamy in consistency, with a sweet-sour smell but not smelly, and without obvious mucus. Three to five bowel movements per day is normal, and some babies may have more frequent bowel movements. If a baby’s bowel movements suddenly increase and the stools are more watery or contain undigested food residue, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.