
A one-year-old child has fine, sparse hair with a yellowish hue and poor texture. What could be the reasons for sparse hair in newborns?


Sparse hair in newborns can be attributed to two main factors. Firstly, the genetic tendency of hair is quite apparent, with individual differences. The quantity, color, and texture of hair are closely related to the parents’ genetics. If the parents have high-quality hair, their child’s hair quality is usually better; conversely, it may be poorer. Secondly, the amount of hair at birth does not necessarily represent future hair conditions. The growth of an infant’s hair is similar to physical development, with varying growth rates and timings. As the body grows, most children’s hair will gradually become denser and change from yellow to black. Numerous examples show that by the age of one to two years, the hair condition of infants with sparse hair is similar to that of other children.