
Regarding the issue of child obesity, a parent has noticed that their child has an above-average weight, prefers high-calorie foods, and does not like to be active. What are the causes of child obesity?


Child obesity can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor dietary habits and insufficient physical activity. Moderate exercise is crucial for a child’s physical development, as it strengthens the body, accelerates metabolism, and enhances the function of the respiratory, circulatory, and cardiovascular systems. Exercise also strengthens a child’s bones and muscles. However, modern children often live in high-rise buildings, lacking opportunities for interaction with peers and spending most of their time after school engaged in indoor activities such as watching TV and playing video games, leading to insufficient physical activity. This lifestyle limits the expenditure of bodily energy and, combined with excessive nutrition, leads to easy accumulation of fat. Moreover, excessive intake of meat may lead to weight gain and lazy behavior. Therefore, balanced diet and regular exercise are essential for preventing and improving child obesity.