
A one-month-old baby is showing a yellowish complexion, with a total bilirubin level of 131.7, total protein of 52.5, indirect bilirubin of 120.8, prealbumin of 0.11, total bile acids of 13.8, and glutamine transferase of 92.5, with direct bilirubin at 10.9. The baby has poor appetite. How should this be handled?


Based on the description, the baby’s jaundice is mild but should be considered pathological. A full-term newborn should have their jaundice fading fading by two weeks after birth, and premature infants by one month after birth. If the jaundice does not disappear, it is considered pathological. Considering the location of the baby’s jaundice and the bilirubin levels, it is currently classified as mild jaundice. As long as the baby eats normally and has no abnormalities in bowel movements, it is recommended to first treat and observe at home. First, you should provide