
Families soon to welcome a newborn are confused about how to handle the cloth diapers for their baby and what to be aware of during breastfeeding. Specifically, they want to know how to change the cloth diapers and what issues to be mindful of during the breastfeeding process. Detailed guidance is sought.


After a newborn has a bowel movement, first wrap the excrement in the diaper and dispose of it properly. Next, use soft toilet paper to gently wipe the baby’s buttocks, removing any dirt. Then, clean the baby’s buttocks with a damp towel, paying special attention to the creases in the skin. After cleaning, place a clean diaper under the baby’s buttocks and wrap it securely. It is recommended to change to a clean diaper before each feeding to ensure the baby can sleep comfortably after feeding. Failing to do so may lead to vomiting in the newborn after feeding.