
Previous treatment and effects: Injected Yanhuning injection for 5 days in the hospital, and sodium chloride for 5 days. Assistance needed: Can such medication cause diarrhea? Will the treatment be effective? Thank you! You’ve been hard at it!


Diarrhea on the sixth day of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease should also be attributed to viral infection. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is a contagious disease caused by enteroviruses. According to guidelines, Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease typically recovers within a week with a good prognosis and does not lead to severe complications. The treatment principle is primarily symptomatic therapy, with enhanced pediatric care to prevent dehydration. During the illness, it is recommended to gargle with saline solution or warm water, and consume non-irritating liquids and semi-liquid foods. If diarrhea is severe, special attention should be paid to prevent dehydration.