
My child is 3 years old and has recently undergone surgery. He currently has a catheter in place, but he’s been expressing a desire to have this thing removed. I want to know, does a child with hypospadias need to have a catheter removed at discharge?


Children with hypospadias generally do not need to have a catheter removed at discharge. Typically, the incision heals well within one week after surgery, and the condition stabilizes, allowing the catheter to be removed from the hospital. It is recommended that after discharge, you should pay attention to maintaining the urethra’s patency, drink plenty of water, and observe the color, clarity, turbidity, and presence of blood in the urine. If there is a blockage or rupture of the ureter (both ends of the ureter need to be brought back to the hospital), please return to the hospital within three weeks to have the catheter removed. After surgery, or you can go to a local hospital to have the catheter removed.