Since September 19, 2011, the patient has shown symptoms of fever and received acupuncture treatment at a clinic without temperature measurement. The current body temperature is maintained between 36-37 degrees. After confirmation of hand, foot, and mouth disease, what symptoms may occur during the treatment process?
The main symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include varying degrees of blisters, fever, drowsiness, and decreased appetite. If infants show these symptoms, they should be treated with antipyretics, detoxification, anti-inflammatory drugs, and fever-reducing medications. If infants continue to have a fever, decreased appetite or refuse to eat, they should immediately go to the hospital for intravenous infusion to supplement nutrition, anti-inflammatory treatment, and fever reduction. In the early stages of the disease, antiviral drugs can be used for treatment, and attention should be paid to regional cleaning to avoid scratching with hands.