
Recently observed a bulging navel in an infant, with a diameter of about one centimeter, suspected to be an umbilical hernia. How should it be handled? In addition, I found that one testicle of the baby is larger than the other. Does this require special attention?


A bulging navel is commonly associated with hernias and may be related to regional weakness in the abdominal wall fascia. In most cases, this condition will naturally resolve after the baby is one year old. If it does not disappear by then, surgical treatment may be necessary. As the child grows, their abdominal muscles become more elastic, and they can generally heal themselves without special treatment. It is recommended to use a belt to secure the baby’s abdomen and to avoid allowing the baby to cry excessively or have constipation. As for the condition of asymmetrical testicle size, it is advised to continue observing and consult with a professional doctor to ensure the baby’s health status.