
An 11-year-old boy is suffering from pneumonia, experiencing severe dry coughs in the morning and evening, and even coughing up blood. He has already received anti-inflammatory injections but there has been no improvement. He is currently taking cough syrup, ceftriaxone, and cough syrup. Are there any other effective treatment methods or folk remedies that can be referred to?


For an 11-year-old child with pneumonia and cough, it is recommended to undergo detailed medical examinations, including X-rays, blood tests, and sputum cultures, to determine the specific cause, such as bronchopneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia, or tuberculosis. After a clear diagnosis is made, it is important to choose sensitive antibiotics for treatment and avoid blind medication. At the same time, encourage the child to drink plenty of water, avoid spicy and stimulating foods, ensure adequate rest, and follow the doctor’s advice for intravenous drip medication and nebulizer inhalation therapy. These methods are usually effective. Parents should closely monitor their child’s condition changes and communicate with the doctor in a timely manner to help the child recover as soon as possible.