
The newborn is 12 days old and is receiving treatment for hemolytic jaundice. The doctor has prescribed compound glycyrrhizin capsules and Yinzhu Huang granules. Can these two medications be administered together to the baby?


According to the medication guide, compound glycyrrhizin capsules and Yinzhu Huang granules should not be taken simultaneously. If taken together, there may be competitive absorption, leading to potential drug interactions that could affect the efficacy. Yinzhu Huang granules, as an adjuvant medicine, have the effects of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, and relieving Irritability; while huangqin (Scutellaria baicalensis) has a bitter and cold nature, with the effects of clearing heat, drying dampness, and detoxifying fire. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and take these two medications separately.