
My child is a 3-year-old boy. His ears have been a bit painful recently, with slightly thick and yellow earwax. He has a loss of appetite and a sore throat. How should I treat his itchy ear due to otitis media?


Treatment of otitis media should involve symptomatic medications (symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication) based on the child’s symptoms, and ear secretion bacteria cultures can be performed. According to the results of the examination, anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used. If the child’s main symptom is ear pain, a moderate amount of pain relief medication can be administered. If fever is present, antipyretic medications can be taken. In severe cases, medical treatment should be sought as soon as possible. If there is a perforation in the eardrum, surgical treatment may be considered. At the same time, pay attention to arranging a reasonable diet and sleep habits to promote recovery from the disease.