
A 23-year-old adult contracted polio at the age of 3 and underwent surgical correction. Now, there is a difference in leg length of over 10 centimeters and unevenness in thickness, with the left leg being weaker due to the surgery. Is there still a possibility for further treatment?


Severe polio can lead to muscle atrophy and impaired neurological function, resulting in limb deformities. In some cases, post-infection sequelae may appear years later, such as progressive neuromuscular weakness, pain, and worsening paralysis of the affected limb. Based on your condition, you may be suffering from post-polio muscular dystrophy syndrome. It is recommended to visit a hospital for a detailed examination and to start active and passive exercises as soon as possible to prevent further muscle atrophy. Additionally, complementary treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and physical therapy can also be used to promote functional recovery.