
What are the common symptoms of high infant jaundice? How can one identify the signs of pathological jaundice?


The identification of pathological jaundice can be approached from the following aspects:

  1. Jaundice appears within 24 hours after birth.
  2. Full-term infants experience jaundice for more than two weeks, premature infants for more than three weeks, or the degree of jaundice gradually worsens.
  3. Jaundice spreads to the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.
  4. The skin turns yellow-green, accompanied by pale or grayish stools and dark yellow urine.
  5. After physiological jaundice subsides, reappearing skin yellowing. During this period, the baby may exhibit abnormal conditions such as refusal to eat, less crying, excessive sleeping, vomiting, diarrhea, staring eyes, screaming, and seizures.