
My baby, who is 16 days old, has a stuffy nose and a slight cough. The hospital examination results show mild pneumonia. After 4 days of hospitalization, the condition has improved, but the doctor said that further hospitalization is needed. How long does hospitalization for neonatal pneumonia usually take?


The duration of hospitalization for neonatal pneumonia depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment should be under medical guidance, and the length of hospital stay should be determined based on the doctor’s advice. Generally, mild pneumonia treatment is relatively simple, but it still requires careful handling to ensure the baby’s health and recovery. In cases of mild illness, recovery is expected to be relatively quick. Although antibiotics may have adverse effects, they are still necessary when required. It is important to monitor the baby’s condition changes and take treatment measures according to the doctor’s advice. Thank you! I am here to help with any other questions you may have.