
A one-month-old baby is experiencing nasal congestion, with the nasal passages being clear during sleep but becoming blocked and difficult to breathe with exertion, accompanied by a popping sound. Since the baby is young, medication has not been administered, and the symptoms have not improved, causing the parents to feel anxious and seek medical advice.


Newborn nasal congestion is typically caused by mucus blockage. Parents can use baby-specific cotton swabs for cleaning. First, drop a small amount of water into the baby’s nostrils, then gently clean with the cotton swab. Remove the cotton swab once the mucus adheres to it, but do not insert it directly into the baby’s nostrils. Additionally, you can use a warm towel to gently press on the middle of the baby’s eyes, replacing the towel when it cools down. This method can also help alleviate nasal congestion. Parents can also gently massage the sides of the baby’s nose from top to bottom, from the bridge to the wings of the nose. Pressing on these acupoints can be particularly effective for treating nasal congestion.