
In a small clinic, a parent of a newborn with jaundice was advised to purchase glucose to improve the condition. The parent expressed doubt and wanted to know what kind of glucose should be taken by newborns with jaundice.


Newborn jaundice typically appears 2-3 days after birth and reaches its peak between 5-7 days, naturally fading away after 10-14 days. Premature infants may take up to 3-4 weeks. If the baby is in good general condition and has normal appetite, it is recommended that parents continue to observe. If jaundice persists, consider undergoing a serum bilirubin test. It is advisable to give the baby sugar water and expose them to sunlight appropriately. Glucose can indeed help alleviate jaundice, and a small amount can be added to each drink. Once jaundice subsides, there is no need to continue using it.