
Dear expert, I have a question about newborn jaundice index. A newborn who is about half a month old has recently shown signs of jaundice. After hospital testing, the jaundice index is 18.3. Is this value within the normal range? Do we need to undergo medication treatment?


The normal jaundice index for newborns usually peaks at around 51.3μmol/L (3mg/dl) and reaches its highest point about 4 days after birth, generally not exceeding 171 to 205μmol/L (10 to 12mg/dl). For premature infants, it should not exceed 256.5μmol/L (15mg/dl), and then gradually return to normal. The Van der Waals test shows an indirect reaction, with negative bilirubin in urine and increased biliverdin in stool. For a jaundice index of 18.3, the following suggestions are made: