
My newborn is 23 days old. The mother is experiencing engorgement while the baby is sleeping soundly. Should she wake the baby for feeding, or express milk into a bottle to feed the baby once they wake up? What is the most suitable breastfeeding position to adopt?


When breastfeeding, it is recommended that the mother choose a chair with a backrest and prepare a small stool in advance. Place the stool on the feeding side, lift the legs, and easily elevate the baby’s head so that they can comfortably approach the mother’s breast. It is not advisable to breastfeed in a lying position before the baby is three months old. This is because newborns have weak neck strength, and if the mother falls asleep during breastfeeding, the breast may block the baby’s mouth and nose, potentially causing an accident such as suffocation due to the baby’s lack of sufficient strength to move away.