
How should neonatal pneumonia be cared for? The baby is nearly two years old and has recently shown a decrease in appetite and poor mental state. Initially, it was mistaken for a cold, but there was no improvement after treatment, and the doctor diagnosed it as pneumonia. What are the early symptoms of neonatal pneumonia, and how should care be provided on a daily basis?


In the early stages of neonatal pneumonia, infants may exhibit a decrease in milk intake or refusal to feed, restlessness, or no significant rise in body temperature. Subsequently, symptoms such as rapid breathing, foamy saliva, and cyanosis around the mouth may appear. Severe pneumonia can lead to difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the face and lips, vomiting, abdominal distension, and even heart failure and respiratory failure. In terms of care, it is important to closely monitor the baby’s breathing condition, maintain good air circulation in the room, avoid smoke and harmful gases, and follow medical instructions for appropriate treatment and nutritional support.