
What are the causes of pediatric asthma?


Pediatric asthma usually occurs because children are still in the stage of growth and development, and many organs are not yet mature, leading to insufficient immunity. It is important to differentiate between allergic asthma, asthma caused by infection, and cardiogenic asthma. It is recommended to take your child to the hospital for further examination, for differential diagnosis, and for treatment based on the examination results.


How should pediatric asthma be treated? Are there any precautions to take?


For the treatment of pediatric asthma, it is suggested to give the child small amounts of warm water several times to moisten the throat, and consider using some traditional Chinese medicine for moistening the throat, coughing, and expectoration. Individualized treatment should be based on the child’s specific condition. Meanwhile, preventive measures are also very important, such as avoiding contact with allergens, keeping indoor air fresh, and exercising regularly. If necessary, consult a doctor for more detailed guidance and advice.