
The peripheral blood cells, neutrophils, and cytoplasmic granules of my child are slightly thickened, and atypical lymphocytes were found, with no immature cells. The white blood cell classification shows: neutrophils segmented nuclei 32%; neutrophils segmented rods 1%. Is this test result normal?


Based on the provided blood test data, your child may be experiencing a viral infection. However, an accurate diagnosis requires a doctor to consider clinical symptoms, signs, and other relevant tests for a comprehensive judgment, not relying solely on the blood test results. Currently, there is no need to be overly concerned. If diagnosed with a viral infection, symptomatic treatment should be administered, which is usually related to a decrease in immunity. If your child has pharyngitis, sensitive antibiotics should be used for treatment. Additionally, when going out, attention should be paid to staying warm to avoid catching a cold, and consider using drugs to enhance immunity to boost resistance.