A two-month-old baby was diagnosed with acute ITP, with her platelet count dropping to extremely low levels. After receiving intravenous immunoglobulin and hormone therapy, her platelet count returned to normal. Post-discharge, she undergoes a check-up every half-month, and her platelet count remains between three hundred fifty and four hundred fifty, with good overall health.
According to expert opinion, if the platelet count remains normal without treatment within six to eight months, it can be considered as a full recovery. A recurrence should not be viewed as a relapse but rather as a new onset of the disease. For young infants, the treatment of ITP should not be excessive, and even hormone and intravenous immunoglobulin may not be necessary. Supportive treatment should be the main approach, such as platelet transfusions when platelet counts are very low. In most cases, infants can recover on their own.