The child has been refusing to eat for a long time and was prescribed three doses of an appetizer medicine by a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. But after taking two doses, the child has been suffering from persistent diarrhea with frothy water-like stools and an unpleasant odor, and still doesn’t eat. In this situation, how should one handle it?
When a child has been refusing to eat for a long time and has lost their appetite, it’s important to pay attention not only to gastrointestinal issues but also to consider the impact of malnutrition and other pathological conditions on appetite. Short-term malnutrition does not affect intelligence. For cases of anorexia, it’s possible to provide necessary nutritional supplements intravenously, correct iron deficiency, restore nutritional status, and gradually improve through dietary adjustments. In terms of diet, it’s not advisable to only consume white rice congee; one can add some vegetable soup. Fruits and fruit juices can also be consumed regularly to ensure adequate nutrition intake. Once the child recovers physically, everything will improve.