
The child has been experiencing frequent urination and urgency for the past two days. In the past, they would have the urge to urinate and wait until they take off their pants before they would urinate. Now, they have developed frequent urination and urgency. I would like to know how to deal with frequent urination and urgency in children?


Frequent urination and urgency in children are relatively common issues. Generally, they can be categorized into pathological and physiological types. Pathological frequent urination may be caused by infections, stones, or foreign objects, with urinary tract infections being the most common. Physiological frequent urination, in addition to factors such as excessive water intake, cold weather, and ill-fitting pants, can also be caused by psychological factors. For physiological frequent urination, we need to pay attention not to overfocus on the child’s urination situation, not to frequently inquire or force them to urinate. When the child has a wet diaper, we need to provide comfort to alleviate their tension. Gradually, this problem may improve.